Thursday, May 22, 2008

Memory Verse

Psalm 61: 1-4

"O God, Listen to my cry!
Hear my prayer!
From the ends of the earth,

I will cry to you for help,
for my heart is overwhelmed.
Lead me to the towering rock of safety,
for you are my safe refuge,
a fortress where my enemies cannot

reach me.
Let me live forever in your sanctuary,
safe beneath the shelter of your wings!"

Recently Ive felt like a shipwreck. Sometimes even the smallest things cause the biggest disappointments. Things that shouldn't really even matter count too much. Then I remember how much I've forgotten to be filled by God. Only he can fill me and nothing else. Sometimes all the other junk no matter how good it seems, has to be cut out for the sake of nurturing that strong relationship with him. We'll ultimately find disappointment's and discontent in the people and things we trust in this world, but its taken me 23 years to finally realize, God is it. There is nothing else that can take his place and nothing ever will fill me until the day he decides otherwise. Until then.. I can do anything he wills me to.

Friday, May 16, 2008

whooo hooo

Ive been slacking at putting up a new post, but when your living away from your apartment due to serious jackhammering and plumbing renovations... that may keep me away from my own blogging place for a few days. Tonight I am going to be spending the first night in my apartment since over a week and a half ago. Thank goodness that God has blessed AGO with a house that hobos such as myself can crash. hm.. theres novels I could write about things that have happened since then, but putting it all down would take forever. Im just glad I have God to run to when life is shakey. Yesterday I was thinking about "let that be enough" from Switchfoot. I remembered how broken i've felt and how much I need God to fill me up and nothing else. Anyways, I need to get to bed because something crazy starts in less than 10 hours. Hoowaaa!

Saturday, May 3, 2008

red eyes... and a sigh in my expression.

I guess im moving into AGO early. If you walk up to my appartment all youll see my bathtub outside across from my front door right next to the sink and the toilet. Theres plastic lining all over the carpet leading to what used to be the bathroom.. I guess pipeing hasnt even been reached with an entire day of broken walls and jack hammering. we have no running water and our fridge is freezing all of our food. on top of that.. this has been the case for a week.. its only official that conditions are unlivable since jackhammering started. our landlords havent even offered any other place to stay... we dont have a freaking toilet. So ive come to the realization that this is the exact situation I need to get me out of the lease asap.. it just depends how cooperative the landlord will be... there shouldnt be a fine i would hope because after all.. theres no point in living there anymore. i wont even write a check for the rent due in a few days.

if all goes well. ill be living out of my car. and sleeping at the house for the next month. yay.

In other news. running a kids carnival in Tecate wasn't so bad. I wish i could speak Spanish though. Lots of cute kids..they even have better otter pops than we do. The food at los panchos taqueria is ok.. funny how me and Metro were willing to eat there. but i wont even eat at senor panchos back in the states.

Anyways AGO banquet on friday was awesome.. much thanks to all of the seniors and just everyone for being awesome. Chops has a beautiful mustache and I want that monacle. Hangning out with all the other guys who didn't get asked to ADX banquet was cool.. Corvette diner.... what can I say? anyway im up too late.. way too late and i really should work on my paper but i am a procrastinator. I love all of you. and thank you Shox. Im using our computer andyour not even here.